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I'm So Excited!

2006-05-18 12:37 p.m.

Maybe its true what they say, maybe the weather really does affect moods, because there are a combination of factors going on that has put me in a delirious and excited mood. The first is right out the window, the sun is out, it is gourgeous, I have just taken an extended ride to do errands with the windows down and the music up. Everyone is out walking and looking like moles coming out of their holes(ha!) blinking their eyes and just marveling at it all.

It all started yesterday I think when I started the morning working out and watching a movie. Every once in a while you have the pleasure of finally seeing a movie that you have heard talked about, and there is a certain pleasure in realizing that said movie is really fucking good. I can say that even in its first half hour, "The Limey" with General Zod, himself, Terrence Stamp, is already f'ing amazing. And for whatever reason that just started this day and half thus far of being, I don't know, giddy I suppose. There's just something about happening upon something by accident that is awesome that has its own special pleasures. This made me think of Lee moving over here, since Terrence Stamp is, of course British, and then it made me think briefly that Lee should transform himself into a badass British gangster and we could travel his adopted home and beat up peaple that have wronged us or our girlfriends or in his case fiancee. That thought left my head but it made me think especially last night of how much things are ruling right now, and talking about plans for the summer and all sorts of ideas cropping up which is going to make it rule, from bike rides, to outdoor eating and drinking, to street fairs and festivals, to finding secret swimming holes, to E's wedding. Everything seems so awesome right there. And June is the time, just a couple weeks away I am going to move and it seems like everything is going to get jumpstarted.

The only thing disappointing was yesterday I went to give blood as I am wont to do. And they, for the first time and I have given two gallons and have the coffee mug to prove it, they had a special machine with them. And because of my blood type, and, uh, bodily measurements they asked me if I wanted to donate platelets, I think, instead of whole blood. I had never been asked before so I said yes. And I sat down and they were about ready to hook me up, and then some motherfucker (we were at the Westerly Yaucht Club, so I am suprised he wasn't dressed like Ted Knight christeninghis boat in Caddyshack) came in an found out that the hall had been doublebooked and they were supposed to be having some function in there and so he asked if they could wrap up an hour earlier then they were slated to. So they decided they could, so I wasn't allowed to do the platelets instead gave whole blood, which isn't bad, but I was excited to do the other thingy.

I am a sap:

There is always that age-old argument, all right just amongst me and my dorky friends, of when in a relationship is a good time to put on a really good love song ona mix tape (or usually CD now) for that special other person. I forget the song now, but I used to have this discussion with my friend A, once I remember being in Sacramento, California in a carride back to my old house. The song we were thinking of is one by COmmon that I forget the name of us that was particularly mushy. And we talked about at what point would we feel comfortable with someone to be able to put that song on one of the many tapes/cd's for them. Because if you were us the significant other would get them fairly frequently. Anyway the same discussion could go for "God Only Knows" truly, I think, one of the better love songs out there. At one point? I guess thats the same as love itself, at some point you just know, and thats the point you just know and feel comfortable and just do it. And sometimes you can watch the reaction of the person as they listen to it....and you know you made the right choice.

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